Configure ESP32 over bluetooth from smartphone
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Configure ESP32 over bluetooth from smartphone

Postby » Wed Nov 14, 2018 3:00 pm

Hi, I am looking a way to configure ESP32 over bluetooth using Smartphone app. anyone know already existing example of this which I can refer to get started ?

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Re: Configure ESP32 over bluetooth from smartphone

Postby costaud » Thu Nov 15, 2018 3:11 am

How kind of configuration do you want to make ?

The general idea is to define some services in BLE GATT, then do anything you want when you get the data in BLE callback.
Similar to Blufi functions that it sends router information to esp32 via BLE.

The limit is that if WiFi and BLE are running together, it would take a lot of memory. But you may leave the coexistence only in "configure mode" and release the memory of Bluetooth after the configuration is done.

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Re: Configure ESP32 over bluetooth from smartphone

Postby chegewara » Thu Nov 15, 2018 5:45 am

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