IR Remote, Neopixel and Ethernet SPI W5100

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IR Remote, Neopixel and Ethernet SPI W5100

Postby Familienpapi » Wed Sep 05, 2018 5:08 am

I want to port a project from ESP8266 to ESP32. The Problem is the IRRemote Library and SPI together. Both alone works without problems. But both together won't work. On The SPI I connected a W5100 Mini Board (for my project I need Ethernet and WiFi). For the Ethernet I use the Ethernet Library V2.0.0 with the actual PubSub MQTT Library.
Is there a posibility to get both work without problems? Maybe another IR Library?
The next problem seem to be the NeoPixel Library. It won't work with Ethernet, too.
Is this a interrupt problem? How can it be resolved? On ESP8266 the project works like a charm. I want to use the more GPIOs on ESP32.
Thank you for help.
developing since 2015 with Arduino IDE for Arduino AVRs, ESP8266 and since 2018 on ESP32

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