I would like to use the MMA8452 I2C accelerometer with the pins 30 31 of the ESP32.
I found a library for arduino (https://github.com/sparkfun/MMA8452_Acc ... es/Arduino), but i would like to use this library but it would be necessary to change the SDA SCL pins defined for the arduino.
How can i do ?
Communication I2C MMA8452 accelerometer
Re: Communication I2C MMA8452 accelerometer
This arduino lib are made for arduino HW that has by default A4,A5 ping.
You may to change the .cpp lib
add the esp32 ping like : Wire.begin(21,22); // Initialize I2C
the pings to add, is located here
// This function initializes the MMA8452Q. It sets up the scale (either 2, 4,
// or 8g), output data rate, portrait/landscape detection and tap detection.
// It also checks the WHO_AM_I register to make sure we can communicate with
// the sensor. Returns a 0 if communication failed, 1 if successful.
byte MMA8452Q::init(MMA8452Q_Scale fsr, MMA8452Q_ODR odr)
scale = fsr; // Haul fsr into our class variable, scale
Wire.begin(); // Initialize I2C
byte c = readRegister(WHO_AM_I); // Read WHO_AM_I register
if (c != 0x2A) // WHO_AM_I should always be 0x2A
return 0;
You can run I2C scan script first to be sure that you ESP32 recognize the acellerometer.
This arduino lib are made for arduino HW that has by default A4,A5 ping.
You may to change the .cpp lib
add the esp32 ping like : Wire.begin(21,22); // Initialize I2C
the pings to add, is located here
// This function initializes the MMA8452Q. It sets up the scale (either 2, 4,
// or 8g), output data rate, portrait/landscape detection and tap detection.
// It also checks the WHO_AM_I register to make sure we can communicate with
// the sensor. Returns a 0 if communication failed, 1 if successful.
byte MMA8452Q::init(MMA8452Q_Scale fsr, MMA8452Q_ODR odr)
scale = fsr; // Haul fsr into our class variable, scale
Wire.begin(); // Initialize I2C
byte c = readRegister(WHO_AM_I); // Read WHO_AM_I register
if (c != 0x2A) // WHO_AM_I should always be 0x2A
return 0;
You can run I2C scan script first to be sure that you ESP32 recognize the acellerometer.
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