请问下烧录到esp32 korvo 2板子的文件运行之后提示有如下错误,这个是因为ADF和IDF版本匹配的问题造成的吗?
E (7980) AUDIO_THREAD: Not found right xTaskCreateRestrictedPinnedToCore.
Please enter IDF-PATH with "cd $IDF_PATH" and apply the IDF patch with "git apply $ADF_PATH/idf_patches/idf_v5.3_freertos.patch" first
E (7990) AUDIO_THREAD: Error creating RestrictedPinnedToCore feed_task
E (8000) AUDIO_THREAD: Not found right xTaskCreateRestrictedPinnedToCore.
Please enter IDF-PATH with "cd $IDF_PATH" and apply the IDF patch with "git apply $ADF_PATH/idf_patches/idf_v5.3_freertos.patch" first
E (8020) AUDIO_THREAD: Error creating RestrictedPinnedToCore fetch_task
E (8020) AUDIO_THREAD: Not found right xTaskCreateRestrictedPinnedToCore.
Please enter IDF-PATH with "cd $IDF_PATH" and apply the IDF patch with "git apply $ADF_PATH/idf_patches/idf_v5.3_freertos.patch" first
E (8040) AUDIO_THREAD: Error creating RestrictedPinnedToCore recorder_task
E (8050) AUDIO_RECORDER: Fail to create recorder_task
E (8060) AUDIO_RECORDER: audio_recorder.c:593 (audio_recorder_trigger_start): Got NULL Pointer
E (8070) AUDIO_THREAD: Not found right xTaskCreateRestrictedPinnedToCore.
Please enter IDF-PATH with "cd $IDF_PATH" and apply the IDF patch with "git apply $ADF_PATH/idf_patches/idf_v5.3_freertos.patch" first
E (8090) AUDIO_THREAD: Error creating RestrictedPinnedToCore voice_read_task
E (8090) AUDIO_THREAD: Not found right xTaskCreateRestrictedPinnedToCore.
Please enter IDF-PATH with "cd $IDF_PATH" and apply the IDF patch with "git apply $ADF_PATH/idf_patches/idf_v5.3_freertos.patch" first
E (8110) AUDIO_THREAD: Error creating RestrictedPinnedToCore audio_data_process_task
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