esp-adf patching

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esp-adf patching

Postby alext25 » Thu Feb 06, 2025 11:59 am

I'm trying to get the voip example from the esp-adf running on esp-idf 5.4 on VSCode. It compiles and loads but when it runs it throws up these errors.

Code: Select all

[Codebox=text file=Untitled.txt]
I (1199) VoIP_EXAMPLE: [1.2] Create and start input key service
W (1217) PERIPH_TOUCH: _touch_init
I (1218) AUDIO_THREAD: The input_key_service task allocate stack on external memory
E (1220) MEDIA_OS: Not found right xTaskCreateRestrictedPinnedToCore.
Please enter IDF-PATH with "cd $IDF_PATH" and apply the IDF patch with "git apply $ADF_PATH/idf_patches/idf_v3.3_freertos.patch" first

E (1238) AUDIO_THREAD: Error creating RestrictedPinnedToCore input_key_service
E (1245) PERIPH_SERVICE: Create task failed on periph_service_create
E (1263) INPUT_KEY_SERVICE: input_key_service.c:214 (input_key_service_create): Got NULL Pointer
E (1264) INPUT_KEY_SERVICE: input_key_service.c:158 (input_key_service_add_key): Got NULL Pointer
Guru Meditation Error: Core  0 panic'ed (StoreProhibited). Exception was unhandled.

I follow the instructions for the git apply and get this error...
error: components/freertos/include/freertos/task.h: No such file or directory
error: components/freertos/tasks.c: No such file or directory

When I look in the components folder at the freertos folder, there are no task.h or tasks.c files in there, hence the patch failure.

Can anyone explain where I'm going wrong with this please? Tried it with all the Freertos patches up to v5.3 and all have the same result.

Thanks in advance.


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