ESP32-S2-WROVER usable pins without any trouble

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ESP32-S2-WROVER usable pins without any trouble

Postby ale_disola » Wed Oct 23, 2024 11:27 am

Hi to all the forum, i'm new in this world of ESP32 forum.
I use the ESP32 chip for several months, and I always seen ... nce-gpios/ this topic for GPIO informations about use and refer.
At this moment, I want to study exactly what pins I can use in this board, in order to have a fully functional PCBs for all my project without any GPIO problems.
So, the only thing that I know is:
- That GPIO46 is for input only;
- That GPIO26 to GPIO32 are for flash and external ram and it's not recommended our use, but I directly don't have this pin on the PCB design so it's not a problem (except for GPIO26 that I have in the design, but I can simply don't use them);
- That GPIO connected to ADC2 is not recommended to use with PWM funcion or analog function, if there are the WiFi functions used.

I know only this information: I'm here to ask you a big help, telling me if the informations written are correct or not, if for this specific module there are other GPIO not usable, or other
Thanks a lot!

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