RFM73 C SPI library

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RFM73 C SPI library

Postby warwound » Wed Aug 07, 2024 11:30 am

I am developing a C application using Eclipse and the ESP-IDF.
I have a WT32-ETH01 dev board with an RFM73 radio transceiver attached, I need help using the RFM73 from my C code.

There are various working C++ class based libraries for the RFM73 - both arduino and ESP-IDF.
But my application is a C application.
The RFM73 is quite old and many links for documentation/datasheets/examples are now dead.
I downloaded the RFM73 C library from www.voti.nl using the 'wayback machine':
http://web.archive.org/web/201501032126 ... :80/rfm73/

RFM73 C library contains rf73.h and rfm73.c and is "not adapted for a specific platform".
It requires me to create rf73-config.h and in that file define some macros: "you must provide an rfm73-config.h file that declares macro's that initialize and access the I/O pins, and for delaying a specified number of microseconds and milliseconds".

I also downloaded the 'C library adapted for DB038', this contains a rf73-config.h for the PIC platform:

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#define RFM70_SCK( x )   PIN_COPY( PORTC, 0, (x) ) 
#define RFM70_MOSI( x )  PIN_COPY( PORTC, 1, (x) )
#define RFM70_MISO       ( RC2 )
#define RFM70_CSN( x )   PIN_COPY( PORTC, 3, (x) )
#define RFM70_CE( x )    PIN_COPY( PORTC, 4, (x) )

#define RFM70_PIN_DIRECTION { \
   TRISC0 = 0; \
   TRISC1 = 0; \
   TRISC2 = 1; \
   TRISC3 = 0; \
   TRISC4 = 0; \

#define RFM70_WAIT_US( x ) WAIT_US( x )
#define RFM70_WAIT_MS( x ) wait_ms( x )
So I need to define similar same macros for my WT32-ETH01, and have tried:

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//  standard SPI pins not available on wt32, need to use non standard pins
#define PIN_RFM73_CE GPIO_NUM_5
#define PIN_RFM73_CSN GPIO_NUM_17
#define PIN_RFM73_MOSI GPIO_NUM_15
#define PIN_RFM73_SCK GPIO_NUM_14

#define RFM73_CE(pin_state) gpio_set_level(PIN_RFM73_CE, pin_state)

#define RFM73_CSN(pin_state) gpio_set_level(PIN_RFM73_CSN, pin_state)

#define RFM73_MISO gpio_get_level(PIN_RFM73_MISO)

#define RFM73_MOSI(pin_state) gpio_set_level(PIN_RFM73_MOSI, pin_state)

#define RFM73_PIN_DIRECTION rfm73_config_init()

#define RFM73_SCK(pin_state) gpio_set_level(PIN_RFM73_SCK, pin_state)

#define RFM73_WAIT_MS(period_millis) vTaskDelay(period_millis/portTICK_PERIOD_MS)

#define RFM73_WAIT_US(period_micros) vTaskDelay((period_micros*1000) / portTICK_PERIOD_MS)

void rfm73_config_init();
void rfm73_config_init_gpio(gpio_mode_t mode, uint64_t bit_mask, gpio_pulldown_t pulldown, gpio_pulldown_t pullup);

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#include <rfm73-config.h>

void rfm73_config_init(){
	rfm73_config_init_gpio(GPIO_MODE_INPUT, (1ULL<<PIN_RFM73_MISO), 0, 0);
    rfm73_config_init_gpio(GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT, ((1ULL<<PIN_RFM73_MOSI) | (1ULL<<PIN_RFM73_SCK)), 0, 0);
    rfm73_config_init_gpio(GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT, ((1ULL<<PIN_RFM73_CE) | (1ULL<<PIN_RFM73_CSN)), 0, 1);

void rfm73_config_init_gpio(gpio_mode_t mode, uint64_t bit_mask, gpio_pulldown_t pulldown, gpio_pulldown_t pullup){
	gpio_config_t gpio_config_1={};
    gpio_config_1.intr_type = GPIO_INTR_DISABLE;
    gpio_config_1.mode = mode;
    gpio_config_1.pin_bit_mask = bit_mask;
    gpio_config_1.pull_down_en = pulldown;
    gpio_config_1.pull_up_en = pullup;
    //configure GPIO with the given settings
I've tried with pins CE and CSN floating, and as in the above code pulled up.
My code fails and the rfm73.c code hangs when calling this method:

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void rfm73_register_write( unsigned char reg, unsigned char value ){
   if( reg < RFM73_CMD_WRITE_REG ){
      reg |= RFM73_CMD_WRITE_REG;      
   RFM73_CSN( 0 );                // CSN low, init SPI transaction
   (void)rfm73_SPI_RW( reg );    // select register
   (void)rfm73_SPI_RW( value );  // ..and write value to it..
   RFM73_CSN( 1 );                // CSN high again
Is the library trying to bitbang instead of using an SPI library/API?
Isn't the SCK pin meant to output a clock signal, nowhere do I see that.
Instead the SCK pin is either set high or low.

Can anyone suggest what my rfm73-config.h should contain for my WT32-ETH01?
Can I use the ESP-IDF SPI Master Driver instead of bitbanging?

Thanks for any and all help on this one!

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