Using ESP32 Gateway board Olimex
(ESP32-WROOM32 module, MicroUSB connector, CH340 USB serial converter, Built-in programmer for Arduino and ESP-IDF,WiFi, BLE connectivity, Ethernet 100Mb interface, MicroSD card, GPIO 20 pin connector with all ESP32 ports.
I want to use RFID Reader/writer MFRC522 board with ESP32 Gateway board
same time functional MicroSD card, Ethernet 100Mb interface in use.
in this configuration As per Pin layout very limited Pin are available.
https://www.olimex.com/Products/IoT/ESP ... v.F-up.pdf
please guide me how to re assign ESP32 pins for SDA MISO MOSI RST SCK to connect RFID board.
standard SPI communication PIN engaged with Micro SD & Ethernet.( Hard wired on board)
https://www.olimex.com/Products/IoT/ESP ... v.F-up.pdf
https://github.com/OLIMEX/ESP32-GATEWAY ... _Rev_G.pdf
RFID board with ESP32 Gateway Olimex with functional SD card,Ethernet
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