wake up on pin change, not on pin state

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wake up on pin change, not on pin state

Postby etimou » Mon Nov 13, 2017 6:03 pm

Hi all,
I am posting in the Arduino area because I am using the Arduino environment but I think the question is more general.
It is great to have the possibility to wakeup the esp32 from deep sleep using GPIOs for battery powered projects.
The thing that I don't understand is that it seems that it is only possible to wakeup the beast at a defined level of a GPIO pin (high or low).
Consequently, if I want to wire the pin to a door sensor for instance, it means that when the door is open or closed (depending on the level chosen for the wakeup) the esp32 will continuously loop the main program until the pin state changes.

What I would expect is that the esp32 wakes up only once when the door opens and eventually once when it closes. There should be a way to change the wakeup level each time the main loop is run but I don't feel it very safe.
Is there a simple way to do it?

Thanks in advance.

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