Would like to hear experiences with wide area wifi coverage for esp32 connection

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Joined: Tue Sep 19, 2023 6:51 pm

Would like to hear experiences with wide area wifi coverage for esp32 connection

Postby MrSwirlyPants » Tue Sep 19, 2023 7:10 pm

Hi all,

I have developed a lasertag system based on arduino-chips. For communication I am using a LoRa radio, however, datarate is very low and reliability is not terrific. We either play indoor in an office building (smaller area, but more walls) or in the forest: wider area, but trees, bushes and hilly terrain.

I'm contemplating switch the LoRa radio module out for an ESP32, dedicated solely to game communications. It would be nice if the wifi would cover the entire play area, whether it be indoors or outdoors. So I am wondering if anyone has any experience with:

* usage of a strong outdoor access point (for instance TP-Link Omada EAP225-Outdoor) and the range an ESP32 can have around this

* the use of multiple access points in a mesh-like setup, though I am unsure whether the ESP32 would switch to the nearest access point; most likely I would have to program this, but I already found a reference to this on the forum

I would love to hear what range you get.

With kind regards,


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