Stability issues since updating to ESP_IDF 5.0.1

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Stability issues since updating to ESP_IDF 5.0.1

Postby lehrian » Fri Mar 31, 2023 9:27 pm

I have been having a very painful time with the Eclipse plugin ever since updating to ESP_IDF 5.0.1. The indexer misses things and I am left with a red error marker in the source code and now before it launches the program it pops up a warning saying there was an error and it asks me if I want to deploy anyway. Well, there wasn't really a compile or link error, there is just an error detected by the IDE because the indexer can't find the API. So I have to double check the build screen to confirm that there wasn't actually an error before I tell it to go ahead an ignore the "error" and proceed to deploy. And I don't want to tell it to never ask me again because at some point there may actually be a really build error that I want to address before deploying. Sometimes I am able to rebuild the index and it will fix the issue and other times not. With the previous version of the ESP_IDF 4.4.4, if the indexer would give me a hard time I would close the project, reopen it and then reindex it and that would usually fix the issue. However now if I attempt to close and reopen a project, 9 times out of 10 it will hang the IDE with "Refreshing workspace: (94%)" at the bottom and the only option is to kill the IDE.

I was thinking this was because I brought my projects over from 4.4.4 to 5.0.1 and/or I had something wrong with my installation so I just reviewed the installation instructions and installed a new version of Eclipse IDE for C/C++ 2022-09 and installed the Espressif plugin. I also confirmed the requirements and I have Amazon Corretto 17.0.6, Python 3.10.4, git and ESP_IDF 5.0.1. I created a new workspace and added 2 example projects to it, blink and hello_world. I compile them and they deploy and work. I then close them and open them a few times and it eventually hangs the IDE with the above error. Sometimes I have to close and open them a few times and other times it happens pretty quickly. Sometimes it will work 10 times in a row and then I will build the project and close and open it and it will hang. I can't provide an exact set of instructions to recreate this issue but it has caused me a world of pain. I have tried searching for anyone else reporting this kind of issue and I have not found anything.

I don't know where to report this, if it is an IDE plugin issue or an ESP_IDF issue. Anyone have any issues like this? Anything I can try to mitigate these issues?

Posts: 21
Joined: Wed May 12, 2021 3:07 am

Re: Stability issues since updating to ESP_IDF 5.0.1

Postby lehrian » Fri Mar 31, 2023 10:50 pm

I had always installed the plugin from Eclipse->Help->Install New Software but decided to install the Expressif all in one package installer to make sure it isn't something in my environment and I am able to reproduce the issue with that install as well.

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Re: Stability issues since updating to ESP_IDF 5.0.1

Postby lehrian » Sat Apr 01, 2023 1:32 am

So it seems that the IDF version has nothing to do with the stability issues I have been experiencing. I downloaded plugin 2.5.0 and installed it on a fresh install of Eclipse 2022-06 and it is working great. I can switch from 4.4.4 to 5.0.1 and compile and run with both versions. I can close and reopen projects multiple times and it never hangs on me. The indexer seems to work and when it doesn't I close the project, reopen it and then reindex it and it resolves the issue.

The only difference I notice is in how the esp_idf_components are included in the project. The older version of the plugin creates the link in the root of the project while the newer one creates it underneath the build/ide folder.

I just did some more testing and the problems start for me with version 3.8.0 of the plugin. I am currently running Eclipse 2022-09 and Plugin 2.7.0 and it is working fine. If I install 2.8.0 and I close and open a few projects Eclipse hangs at "Refreshing Workspace".

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Re: Stability issues since updating to ESP_IDF 5.0.1

Postby lehrian » Sat Apr 01, 2023 5:30 pm

So a little more information. Environment: Eclipse 2022-09, Amazon Corretto 17.0.6, Python 3.10.4, git and I have the following Espressif plugins installed:

Code: Select all

com.espressif.idf.branding ( "ESP-IDF Eclipse Plugin" [Resolved]
com.espressif.idf.core ( "ESP-IDF Core" [Active]
com.espressif.idf.debug.gdbjtag.openocd ( "ESP-IDF OpenOCD Debugging" [Active] ( "ESP-IDF Help" [Starting]
com.espressif.idf.launch.serial.core ( "ESP-IDF Serial Core Plugin" [Active]
com.espressif.idf.launch.serial.ui ( "ESP-IDF Launch Serial UI" [Active]
com.espressif.idf.sdk.config.core ( "ESP-IDF SDK Config Core" [Starting]
com.espressif.idf.sdk.config.ui ( "ESP-IDF SDK Configuration Editor" [Starting]
com.espressif.idf.serial.monitor ( "ESP-IDF Serial Monitor" [Starting]
com.espressif.idf.terminal.connector ( "ESP-IDF Terminal Connector" [Starting]
com.espressif.idf.terminal.connector.serial ( "ESP-IDF Serial Monitor" [Starting]
com.espressif.idf.ui ( "ESP-IDF UI" [Active]
com.espressif.idf.wokwi ( "Wokwi Integration Plugin" [Starting]

I created a brand new empty workspace and I created 3 esp-idf example projects, blink, hello_world and generic_gpio. I built the workspace. I close 2 of the projects and then open them and it hangs on "Refreshing workspace: (94%).

This is repeatable.

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Joined: Wed May 12, 2021 3:07 am

Re: Stability issues since updating to ESP_IDF 5.0.1

Postby lehrian » Mon Apr 03, 2023 4:29 pm

I reported this issue and there is now a PR to address it. ... issues/731

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Re: Stability issues since updating to ESP_IDF 5.0.1

Postby ESP_kondalkolipaka » Thu Apr 06, 2023 5:00 pm

Hi All,

We have released IEP v2.9.1 with the project build hung issue, project close and reopen issues, and a few more bug fixes to improve the quality of the plugin.

Please refer to the release notes ... tag/v2.9.1

Installing IDF Plugins using the Update site URL: ... es/latest/

Installing IDF Plugins using the local archive file: ...

Espressif IDE ... v2.9.1.dmg ... v2.9.1.dmg ... ... _64.tar.gz

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Re: Stability issues since updating to ESP_IDF 5.0.1

Postby ESP_kondalkolipaka » Thu Apr 06, 2023 5:07 pm

If you're working with IDF 5.0 and higher with the Espressif-IDE/IEP Eclipse plugin, you might experience indexer problems based on the project, this is due to IDF 5.0 having certain components which are using C/C++ 20 syntax in some files which is not yet supported by Eclipse CDT Indexer.

However, you shouldn't have any problems during the build. It should go through fine.

As I have seen most of the issues related to symbols not being found, I would suggest disabling this check in the Eclipse Preferences.

Code: Select all

Preferences > C/C++ > Code Analysis > Symbol is not resolved (Change the Severity from Error to Warning)
In the future, when we have IDE support for C/C++ 20 lang features, we can change it back to Error.


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