Esp32 wroom SPI+I2C laging

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Esp32 wroom SPI+I2C laging

Postby Woutnme » Thu Mar 30, 2023 6:26 am

Hi people, im using a ESP32 Wroom with vSPI comunication for 4 MAX6675, the CS pin its managed across the I2C io expander pca9555 like out put make the CS for each MAX6675, have another pca9555 for inputs, all works fine most of time, normally low delay 80ms, betwen the ESP32 ask to host he reply and activate the I2C output, that its ok in a perfect world, but some times lag 1 or 2 second.
Somebody experiment somethis similar?
Somebody has used the vSPI with DMA?, i read not have support for arduino library the SPI DMA but see videos of screens running with DMA.
Please if somebody can help??

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