Using RMT for raw receive & transmit

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Using RMT for raw receive & transmit

Postby traxonja » Sun Feb 26, 2023 11:05 am

I am reading about the RMT peripheral library and thinking if it would be possible to use it for raw receive and re-transmit of an unknown bit stream.

In RMT examples (\esp-idf-v5.0\examples\peripherals\rmt\musical_buzzer) there is a "musical buzzer" which kind of does a similar task already, but I am still not sure exactly if it would be possible.

What I want it to do is:

1. Receive a bit-stream (with RMT carrier disabled because I will not use this for IR). This bit stream will be for example UART.
2. Store this data in RAM
3. Send it back using RMT just like it was received (echo)

I used UART as an example here, but it should be able to accept whatever bits it receives to re-send it.

I implemented this on another microcontroller platform using timers but I want to switch to ESP32 now, so I am looking for an elegant way to implement this.

What do you think? I am still reading about the RMT module, but while reading&learning about it, I could use your thoughts.


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