BT_GATT: attribute value too long, to be truncated to 22. How I send big data to client.

Raghav Jha
Posts: 15
Joined: Thu Feb 25, 2021 9:59 am

BT_GATT: attribute value too long, to be truncated to 22. How I send big data to client.

Postby Raghav Jha » Mon Jun 21, 2021 4:48 pm

I was trying to read some value and send it to the client. But I seeing the following log.
I research and found some discussion on the following links. ... a-p/147729
I did not understand much.
    But what I understand from that is, if the read value is more than 22 byte, we need to send the read value in multiple packets of 22 bytes. Am I right?
      Second, for sending multiple packets did we need to notify the client?
      If yes how shall we do that? Is there any example for reference?

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