Analog Interrupts

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Analog Interrupts

Postby DeadDinoDude » Tue Jun 01, 2021 7:03 pm


I am working with the MQ-2 smoke sensor and am trying to set it up for its analog output to trigger an interrupt.

I got code working that has a capacitive touch button (wire) trigger an interrupt:

Code: Select all

 * Capacitive touch code using ESP32 GPIO4 (TOUCH0)
const int touchPIN = 4;           //Touch button PIN
const int n = 50;                 //Number of averages for threshold calc
bool interruptFlag = false;

int thresholdValue = 0;           //Used to detect when pressed
int touchSensorValue = 0;         //Holds touch value
int TEMP = 0;

int thresholdCalc(){
  for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
    touchSensorValue = touchRead(touchPIN);
    TEMP += touchSensorValue;
  }//end for
  return (TEMP/(n*2));            //Sets thresholdValue to 1/2 the average measured value
}//end thresholdCalc

void IRAM_ATTR interruptRoutine(){           //Interrupt routine 
  interruptFlag = true;
}//end interruptRoutine

void setup(){
  thresholdValue = thresholdCalc();
  touchAttachInterrupt(touchPIN, interruptRoutine, thresholdValue);     //Setup the interrupt
}//end setup

void loop(){

    interruptFlag = false;
    Serial.println("Touch detected");
  }//end if

}//end loop

But this does not work with the MQ-2 smoke sensor.

I was wondering if anyone knows how to set up general-purpose analog interrupts.


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Re: Analog Interrupts

Postby fasani » Sun Sep 12, 2021 5:13 am

Hi there, interesting sensor. I was checking this instructable:

And take care because it says the component requires 4.5 to 5 volts so make sure to power it with the 5V usb and not with the 3.3V pin.
About the interrupt so far I only tried digital Rising or the other direction interrupts in IDF and they work fine. Make sure you configure the GPIOs correctly and take a look to this part of the manual and examples ... s/adc.html
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