[Notice] ESP32 Hardware Design Guidelines Updated!

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[Notice] ESP32 Hardware Design Guidelines Updated!

Postby ESP_Faye » Wed Jun 07, 2017 2:25 am

Notice on the update of ESP32 Hardware Design Guidelines

In order to improve the performance of our customers’ application based on the ESP32 series of products, the technological support team at Espressif has made an important update to ESP32 Hardware Design Guidelines.
  • The specification for the RC circuit of ESP32’s pin CHIP_PU is updated as follows:
R=10 kΩ, C=100 nF. (For details please refer to Section 3.1.2 in ESP32 Hardware Design Guidelines).
Reasons for the update:
  • In certain applications based on ESP32, when ESP32’s external pins other than CHIP_PU is powered during system initialization, and the power supply is not stable enough, the power-on of the chip will be interfered. The insufficient delay time of CHIP_PU’s RC circuit will cause system malfunction during ESP32’s bootup.
    Thus, extending the CHIP_PU’s external RC delay time will help improve the product robustness.
  • This specific update will not affect the performance of ESP32. We recommend that customers using the ESP32 series of products design their applications based on the updated specification of the RC circuit mentioned above.
  • Thank you for your kind support for Espressif. We will continue our endeavor in providing better IoT technologies and solutions for our customers. Any questions, please contact us via sales@espressif.com.
ESP32 硬件设计指南更新通知

为提升乐鑫客户产品应用性能,乐鑫技术支持团队针对 ESP32 硬件外围参考设计(文档链接:ESP32 硬件设计指南)做了如下更新:
  • 将 ESP32 CHIP_PU PIN 脚的外部 RC 电路规格更新为 R=10 kΩ,C=100 nF。(详见 ESP32 硬件设计指南章节 3.1.2。)
  • 在客户 ESP32 的项目应用中,当 ESP32 外部其它 PIN 脚在系统初始化上电时,若 PIN 脚有初始电平,并且客户供电电源不够稳定,会对芯片启动造成干扰,并导致 CHIP_PU RC 延时不够,造成 ESP32 启动出现异常。
    所以,加长 CHIP_PU 外部 RC 延时时间,可以提升系统对抗外部干扰性能。
  • 该更新对 ESP32 性能无影响,建议 ESP32 客户参考此规格进行设计更新。
  • 感谢广大客户给予乐鑫一如既往的支持,我们将持续不懈地为客户提供更好的物联网技术和解决方案。如果您有任何问题,欢迎联系乐鑫:sales@espressif.com

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Re: [Notice] ESP32 Hardware Design Guidelines Updated!

Postby Scalpel78 » Fri Jul 28, 2017 9:37 am

I'm using a ESP-WROOM-32. Does the change above mean that I should make any changes to my board, or is this something that is handled inside the ESP-WROOM-32?

The guidelines says that this change is regarding pin 9, but this is not the same as pin 9 on the ESP-WROOM-32, right?

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Re: [Notice] ESP32 Hardware Design Guidelines Updated!

Postby ESP_krzychb » Fri Jul 28, 2017 10:59 am

Scalpel78 wrote:I'm using a ESP-WROOM-32. Does the change above mean that I should make any changes to my board...
Yes, this change is recommended for ESP-WROOM-32 as well
Scalpel78 wrote:The guidelines says that this change is regarding pin 9, but this is not the same as pin 9 on the ESP-WROOM-32, right?
Right, the RC circuit should be connected to pad 3 of ESP-WROOM-32 module as shown on "Figure 2: ESP-WROOM-32 Peripheral Schematics" in http://espressif.com/sites/default/file ... eet_en.pdf

@admin, I seem to be unable to add attachment to this post. I could just yellow mark what I mean on the above drawing. Am I doing something wrong or attachments are not allowed. :?: :!: I love adding pictures :D

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