Retrieving values from VESC with ESP32

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Retrieving values from VESC with ESP32

Postby PhillipeHugo » Tue Apr 20, 2021 9:23 am


I am working on a diy project and i just got my VESC 6 yesterday, i was looking for a way to retrieve values from the VESC to my Lora32, i used @RollingGeckoRollingGecko library to control VESC but it was used for arduino nano and mega, i made some changes to make it compile on my Lora32 but it does not retrieve the values but it says "Rebooting elf file sha256: 0000000000000000" and a lot of text.

I am willing to know if there is any library that can do the job on an esp32.

Thanks for your reponses :D :D

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