Automation IO Bluetooth GATT profile support

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Automation IO Bluetooth GATT profile support

Postby Superkurt » Sun May 14, 2017 11:29 pm


with my application I'd like to be conform to the Automation IO Bluetooth GATT profile. I'd like to build a Automation IO GATT service which is decribed here: ... _id=304972

But unfortunately the UUID's for this service are not in the esp_gatt_defs.h file. I could define it by myself but I also need the number of digitals GATT descriptor: ... gitals.xml

If I try to add such a descriptor it's ignored in the btc_gatts_act_create_attr_tab function because there is no case for handling this descriptor: ... tts.c#L337

I've used the gatt_server_service_table example as a starting point for my Bluetooth project.

Could you add support for the Automation IO Bluetooth GATT profile?

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