ble client wifi co-exist on disconnect

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ble client wifi co-exist on disconnect

Postby drewbol » Sun Dec 06, 2020 8:29 pm

For what ever reason I cannot seem to find any information on this issue.

I have code which uses a ESP32 to connect to a ble GamePad and as a WiFi AP and Station mode webserver. This co-existance works perfectly as long as the GamePad is attached. The problem starts if the GamePad is not present at startup or disconnects. It seems like the scan takes over. The WiFi connection continues but it seems like the 1 second scantime I have set does not "share" the antenna and takes over completely. Information sent from the webserver is no longer realtime and is chunky. Reconnect(connect) and everything is fine.

The ble client code is based on NKolban's example. I did not write the WiFi section but it seems to be pretty normal in approach.

I am sure I am missing something simple here. If it can coexist to send data then surely it can do the same while scanning for the device?

I will post the code if required.

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