TCP performance test (file download and offload)

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TCP performance test (file download and offload)

Postby mindthomas » Fri May 05, 2017 6:07 pm

I am doing some research on the maximum TCP performance with both ESP8266 and EPS32.
This question is related to the performance of the ESP32 and this thread will also be used to post my results.

I would like to stress test the TCP socket of the ESP to see what file (download) rate can be achieved.
In general my results will be used in the decision making on whether the ESP can be used as an option for wireless file transfers for embedded systems.
The concept and question is as follows: Host computer wants to upload a file of ~10 MB to main system processor which has to be done through the ESP connected over UART or SPI. How long will such a transfer take?

I have already done some research which have lead me to the following conclusions and questions:
  • the ESP-IDF will have to be used and not the Arduino library
  • MTU would probably have to be increased
  • unsure about whether any delays would have to be changed or interrupts disabled
  • should asynchronous TCP be used?
  • ESP-IDF seem to have a max UART rate defined to 5MBaud ( ... uart.h#L39) which would at least make an output bottleneck - in any case flow control would have to be used
  • would it be better to use SPI between the main processor and the ESP?
  • any TCP socket examples or snippets intended for performance checking?
  • any RTOS recommendations when it comes to the implementation of this transfer setup? How should the tasks be configured? Which task should handle what? How to avoid buffer overflow, lost packages or communication slow down?
  • any specific configuration of or care that has to be taken with lwIP?
Thanks in advance.

Best Regards
Thomas Jespersen

Posts: 3
Joined: Tue Jun 12, 2018 9:33 pm

Re: TCP performance test (file download and offload)

Postby jdatqed » Wed Jun 20, 2018 8:01 pm

Hi Thomas,

This sounds very similar to what I am currently trying to work on and I just wanted to see if you've made any discoveries since you posted this.


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