SSL error on subsequent connections

Posts: 3
Joined: Tue Nov 10, 2020 7:34 pm

SSL error on subsequent connections

Postby ProfMoriarty » Tue Nov 10, 2020 8:00 pm

I have an Olimex ESP32-EVB board with several sensors talking to a webserver.

The first time through, the board sends the data fine:
connecting to - connected to:
HTTP Response code: (200)
closing connection

However, with the second and subsequent connections, I see an SSL error pop up ... [E][ssl_client.cpp:33] _handle_error(): [data_to_read():270]: (-80) UNKNOWN ERROR CODE (0050)

connecting to - connected to:
[E][ssl_client.cpp:33] _handle_error(): [data_to_read():270]: (-80) UNKNOWN ERROR CODE (0050)
HTTP Response code: (200)
closing connection
My guess is that I'm not closing a connection somewhere in my code:

Code: Select all

void updateServer()
	Serial.print("\nconnecting to ");

	WiFiClient client;
	if (!client.connect(SERVER_HOST, SERVER_PORT)) {
		Serial.println(" - connection failed");

	Serial.println(" - connected to: " + SERVER_URL);

	// set http timeout after connected - default is 5 seconds, increase to 30
	httpClient.setTimeout(30 * 1000);

	// Domain name with URL path or IP address with FULL path

	// Specify content-type header
	httpClient.addHeader("X-API-AUTH", String(api_token));

	// HTTP request with a content type: application/json
	httpClient.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");

	// build the JSON object - NOTE: make sure to delimit all internal double-quotes 
	String json = "{"
		"\"device_uuid\":\"" + String(device_uuid) + "\","
		"\"last_mac\":\"" + String(ethMacAddress) + "\","
		"\"last_ip\":\"" + String(ethIpAddress) + "\","
				"\"input_uuid\":\"" + String(input_1_uuid) + "\","
				"\"value\":" + input_1_data + ","
				"\"unit\":\"" + String(input_1_unit) + "\","
				"\"scalefactor\":" + input_1_sf +
				"\"input_uuid\":\"" + String(input_2_uuid) + "\","
				"\"value\":" + input_2_data + ","
				"\"unit\":\"" + String(input_2_unit) + "\","
				"\"scalefactor\":" + input_2_sf +
				"\"input_uuid\":\"" + String(input_3_uuid) + "\","
				"\"value\":" + input_3_data + ","
				"\"unit\":\"" + String(input_3_unit) + "\","
				"\"scalefactor\":" + input_3_sf +
				"\"input_uuid\":\"" + String(input_4_uuid) + "\","
				"\"value\":" + input_4_data + ","
				"\"unit\":\"" + String(input_4_unit) + "\","
				"\"scalefactor\":" + input_4_sf +


	int httpResponseCode = httpClient.POST(json);

	Serial.print("HTTP Response code: (");
	Serial.print(")  ");

	// Free resources

	Serial.println("closing connection\n");

Note that the subsequent connections do have the SSL error, but are successful with a 200 result code.

Beyond the httpClient.end() and client.stop(), what else should I use to fully close this connection and reset the SSL?
Any pointers would be appreciated. I don't want to ignore this if I can fix it.

Posts: 3
Joined: Tue Nov 10, 2020 7:34 pm

Re: SSL error on subsequent connections

Postby ProfMoriarty » Wed Nov 11, 2020 4:54 pm

Looks like moving from WiFiClient to WiFiSecureClient, and adding in the Cert/Key seems to fix the error.

Found a demo here: ... Secure.ino

Posts: 3
Joined: Tue Nov 10, 2020 7:34 pm

Re: SSL error on subsequent connections

Postby ProfMoriarty » Wed Nov 11, 2020 5:21 pm

Just the change to WiFiSecureClient didn't work once some debugging values were set back to a real value.

However, I did figure out that I had the HTTPClient as a global, instead of a local variable. This appears to be the key, since following Basic HTTPS Client example pattern works fine in my code. ... Client.ino

Code: Select all

	Create Client
	Set Certificate/Key or CA
		Create HTTPClient
		Change HTTPClient options
		... do the work ...

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