Bluetooth Classic losing connection

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Joined: Thu Oct 01, 2020 2:55 pm

Bluetooth Classic losing connection

Postby felipepsilva » Thu Oct 01, 2020 3:01 pm

We are using the ESP32 through at commands. We use sntp sincronization (each 60 seconds), mqqt (sending data every 60 seconds) and a server opened to use with modbus tcp/ip (esp32 acting as a server and sending data every 3 seconds). This is working ok with version 2.1.

Now we're developing a bluetooth feature using bluetooth classic and SPP.

When we use just bluetooth classic in "UART-BT passthrough mode" (AT+BTSPPSEND\r\n) all works ok, but when we want to use bluetooth and wifi simultaneosly (AT+BTSPPSEND=0,133\r\n) works well for a while, but module stops send me requests and the communication stops. If we try recconect we receve a error message and we have to reboot the module to work again.

In 2.0 version happend something like this with sockets tcp and you fixed this on 2.1 version.

Pleas, can you help me with this issue?


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