I am trying to use the RMTWriteNeoPixel.ino example on a Saola development board. I am not getting the expected behavior.
https://github.com/espressif/arduino-es ... oPixel.ino
With a regular ESP32 (not S2) each led is turned on for 100mS, followed by the next led, then the next, ...
With the ESP32-S2 I get three leds turn on, the first (blue), the second (blue), the third (green), then nothing until the cycle starts over again. The remaining leds in the string are not turned on.
Does anyone know what i need to do to get the Neopixel string to work properly with the ESP32-S2?
ESP32-S2 problem with RMTWriteNeoPixel.ino example
Re: ESP32-S2 problem with RMTWriteNeoPixel.ino example
I looked at the output of the ESP32-S2 with a logic analyser and the number of pulses was 62 with a total time of 73.6uS. The same example file with the ESP32 produced many more pulses with a total time of 921uS.
Re: ESP32-S2 problem with RMTWriteNeoPixel.ino example
Yes, it is confirmed arduino bug. Thanks for reporting it.
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