Maintaining WiFi connection in low RSSI conditions

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Maintaining WiFi connection in low RSSI conditions

Postby user4_esp32 » Wed Jul 31, 2019 4:34 pm


I am using an ESP-WROOM-32 on a custom PCB in low RSSI conditions (e.g. RSSI shows -70 to -90 dBm) and the device has difficulty maintaining a stable wifi connection to the access point. Are there configuration/software changes to the WiFi configuration I can make to increase the longevity of the WiFi connection?

I have set modem power saving to WIFI_PS_NONE, which has helped somewhat.

I also see mention of "the default behavior of LwIP is to abort all TCP socket connections on receiving the disconnect" ( ... sconnected) as referenced for situations to consider in which the default behavior may not be desirable.

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