ESP32 TFTespi / ILI9341/ SD issue.

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ESP32 TFTespi / ILI9341/ SD issue.

Postby espNooB0xFF » Wed Jul 03, 2019 4:18 pm

Hi. First time posting.

I am using the following:
  • Arduino 1.8.9
  • ESP32 WRoom
  • MicroSD (SDHC 8GB)
  • ILI9341 Touch
Everything was working fine up until a few days ago.
The display is running fine. As expected. (And fast!).
I'm using the hardware SPI.

Pin 4 is the SD SS.

When I run a test program to read from an array to SD then SD to array, it works great! (I have managed to also create my own verification).

It was loading and saving on demand fine, on boot, whilst it was within the main program, everything was fast and worked as expected.
But then, all of a sudden, something went wrong.

Now, when I start the ESP / TFT, the data loads up great, and works as expected. But after this point the data can not be saved and it's almost like the SD gets stuck in an active state. I believe it may be because it has a valid datafile as it was already loaded on boot.

The datafile passes (on save) and seems to be saving, but doesn't, but when I attempt to load it fails, so I suspect this is either a timer issue or a bus type issue.

I'm a little lost at this point, I have tried for many hours and configurations but I just can not get it to run the program as expected.

I had managed to save a version that was close to what I had working (I was editing prior to upload and it saved before I realised anything was wrong). I have also built the code back up from a working state that I know works and runs as expected.

I'm not sure what to do at this point, but if someone can please help me in the right direction that would be much appreciated.

It may well be something simple, I have checked through all the code and there seems to be nothing out of the ordinary.

Please help!

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