USB Host Class Driver on ESP32-S3 for Android Open Accessory (AOA)

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USB Host Class Driver on ESP32-S3 for Android Open Accessory (AOA)

Postby raymondshi » Thu Jun 16, 2022 10:30 pm

Hi there,

I am looking to run the usb-host-lib example on an ESP32-S3, to connect to an Android device which should run in Accessory mode.

I am trying to implement a class driver for the Android Open Accessory (AOA) in the usb-host-lib, that will send required control requests to the Android device, e.g.,

request: 52
value: 0
index: string ID
data zero terminated UTF8 string sent from accessory to device

As I am new to the usb host library, can someone please shed some lights or share some code snippets on how to implement the control transfer using the new usb host library API.


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