I have a program that starts by doing some GETs and then starts a infinite routine that does POSTs of a small Base64-encoded image once a minute.
The problem is that about 50% of the times I get
Code: Select all
E (153964) TRANSPORT_BASE: tcp_write error, errno=Connection reset by peer
E (153964) HTTP POST request failed: ESP_FAIL
I tried this both on a remote server that I have control of and also on Mocklab (service to test requests). I see the same problem on both cases. Also different networks. So the ESP32 must be the problem.
I made a function for requests that 1) creates client config, 2) inits with "esp_http_client_init", 3) does "esp_http_client_perform", 4) gets response/result and 5) runs "esp_http_client_cleanup". Is this correct?
Project built using docker image "release-v4.4".
Anyone getting the same error?
Thank you!