ESP32-Wroom-32 ESP32 DevkitV1

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Joined: Thu May 05, 2022 9:03 am

ESP32-Wroom-32 ESP32 DevkitV1

Postby paulfjoju » Thu May 05, 2022 9:26 am

it seems i have an old ESP32 module , with a Chip is ESP32D0WDQ6 (revision 1) Board with 2x15 pins
and i don't find out this boar reference in Arduino IDE .. Tools .. board
if i select " DOIT ESP32 VROOM Devkit"
i can compile ...
i can upload ..
but impossible to start the programme..after pressing EN button.

( in fact , my board doesn't have the trademark Doit.. no trademark at all)
so i tried to use "ESP32 Dev Module" ..
modified 160Mhz instead of 240Mhz
FOSC 40 Mhz instead of 80Mhz
DIO instead of QIO
but i don't know to handle Core number 1 or 0 ?
with core 1 choice
Upload of Wifiscan application is OK ... program is runing ( discovering all Wifi Lan around ..)

I want to use VSC + PlateformIO ,
How to define a correct template for my module ?

because Only Arduino Tools show more datas .. than PlateformIO
Arduino_Board_config_ESP32_Dev_Module_2022-05.jpg (82 KiB) Viewed 1017 times

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