I can't seem to find documentation on the new SIMD commands of the ESP32-S3. I know of the API documentation, but I'm not sure if all instructions are covered there. For example, there is no dsps_mul_s16_ae32 function. And in the ESP32-S3 data sheet shifting and a saturation option is mentioned for the Processor Instruction Extentions, but there is no API for that.
Is there a full documentation or further information on all the available SIMD commands / Processor Instruction Extentions? Even an assembly reference would be interesting to take a look at.
ESP32-S3 DSP documentation
Re: ESP32-S3 DSP documentation
Just to follow up, ESP32-S3 instruction extensions are now documented in the technical reference manual: https://www.espressif.com/sites/default ... ual_en.pdf
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