is it possible to connect ESP32 Chip with AP Mode and Station mode simultaneously using ESP-IDF

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is it possible to connect ESP32 Chip with AP Mode and Station mode simultaneously using ESP-IDF

Postby Kunjan » Fri Feb 04, 2022 6:39 am

is it possible to connect ESP32 Chip with AP Mode and Station mode simultaneously using ESP-IDF? If yes then can you guide me how?

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Joined: Sat May 12, 2018 11:05 am

Re: is it possible to connect ESP32 Chip with AP Mode and Station mode simultaneously using ESP-IDF

Postby hmojito » Fri Feb 04, 2022 8:27 am

Hi Kunjan,
Yes it's possible, you just need to call :

Code: Select all

In esp-idf/examples/wifi/getting_started you will find 2 examples, one for AP Mode and the other for STA Mode, you just need to add the configuration of AP mode in the station example and set the mode to WIFI_MODE_APSTA
Hope this will help

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