Servo Library for ESP32-C3

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Servo Library for ESP32-C3

Postby Chevelle » Sun Dec 19, 2021 9:03 pm

I am working on a project that used an ESP32-C3-WROOM that will control a servo. The most popular library for EPS32 servo control seems to be ESP32Servo by J.K Bennet. I am having trouble getting it to work. Even the simple sample program "Sweep" doesn't work. (It compiles and loads but the pulses are not generated.)

Digging into the library, there are references to pins that should not be used but they are for the ESP32 but the C3 (or S3) have a difference set of pins that are allowed and not allowed.

Has anyone successfully used this library with a C3? Should I be using a different library?


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