Timed out waiting for packet header -- no reboot button.....LOST

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Timed out waiting for packet header -- no reboot button.....LOST

Postby blacklotus999 » Mon May 31, 2021 2:38 pm

Hi there,

I am new to the ESP32, and am having a great deal of difficulty getting this thing to work. I configured arduino to recognize the ESP-32 board, but I can't run any of the example sketches because, well, first off: I can't even tell what model of board this is. On the front it says ESP-32-CAM. Okay, that sounds simple enough, but there is no ESP-32-CAM listed in the boards that get loaded into arduino. Searches on google using the following informtion have procured no solid answer: again, on the front it says ESP-32-CAM, and in less visible lettering, it says 8E02. On the chip housing, it says: ESP-32-S. All my internet searches point back to the AI-thinker model....but it doesn't say that on the board, and it also doesn't work when I uncomment that section in the arduino sample code and try running the ESP-32-.Camera->CameraWebServer code. Nor can I get the very simple WifiScan code to work. In all cases, the error message it spits out is: FATAL ERROR TIMED OUT WAITING FOR PACKET HEADER. All my troubleshooting searches have led me back to the same answers, which did not work, that being that I need to hold the reboot button down while I am uploading code to the board. There is no REBOOT button Just a button on the left marked RST, I assume for reset. I have included an image of the board. I am using an FTDI adapter, and have tested the connections. There is power, so...can anyone point out what I might be doing wrong?

20210531_102312.jpg (1.74 MiB) Viewed 3881 times

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Re: Timed out waiting for packet header -- no reboot button.....LOST

Postby ESP_Sprite » Tue Jun 01, 2021 12:55 am

For what it's worth: the error message you get means that your PC can't communicate with the bootloader in the ESP32. That can be because of a lot of reasons, but I think you're right in thinking you need to use buttons to do this. The ESP32 goes into bootloader mode if it sees a low level on IO0 when it boots up (e.g. after being reset). My guess is that the RST button resets the ESP32, so all you would need is to make IO0 low: if you do not have another button that does this, you may need to use a jumper wire from IO0 to ground. Install this, press and release RST, upload your program, remove the jumper wire, press and release RST again, and your program should run.

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Re: Timed out waiting for packet header -- no reboot button.....LOST

Postby shaalin » Wed Jun 02, 2021 4:10 pm

I have exactly the same board then you and I can not find any solution, I opened other post viewtopic.php?f=22&t=21201&p=77437&hili ... +mb#p77437

And I m trying to get the solution from the seller.

When I tried the board directly with the ESP-IDF (Espressif IoT Development Framework) not problem, the board and the code work great. But I would like use the board with arduino too.

I ll wait the answer of the seller and I' ll tell you.
If any body know it would be great get an answer from the forum

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Re: Timed out waiting for packet header -- no reboot button.....LOST

Postby shaalin » Sun Jun 06, 2021 4:20 pm

The problem it was the power supply..

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