ESP-IDF 4.1 Error: mcpwm_capture_signal_get_edge crashes

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Joined: Sat Apr 10, 2021 9:41 am

Re: ESP-IDF 4.1 Error: mcpwm_capture_signal_get_edge crashes

Postby ttlappalainen » Tue Apr 27, 2021 6:58 am

I have also similar crashing problem.

I use PlatformIO Espressif 32 version 3.2.0, which has ESP-IDF 4.2. When I call mcpwm_capture_signal_get_value in my IRS routine, it crashes, if ISR happens same time while saving settings to LittleFS.

I wonder are these routines like mcpwm_capture_signal_get_value loaded to IRAM? At least they do not have IRAM_ATTR marking.

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