The scetch is working correctly when UART is connected to computer.
And does not work when UART is disconnected.
What is a reason?
Power is independent.
USB-TTL adapter has 4 wires (GND, RX, TX, DTR)
byte ledPin1 = 4;
byte ledPin2 = 16;
byte ledPin3 = 23;
byte interruptPin1 = 39;
byte interruptPin2 = 36;
byte interruptPin3 = 34;
volatile byte state1 = LOW;
volatile byte state2 = LOW;
volatile byte state3 = LOW;
void setup() {
pinMode(ledPin1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(ledPin2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(ledPin3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(interruptPin1, INPUT);
pinMode(interruptPin2, INPUT);
pinMode(interruptPin3, INPUT);
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(interruptPin1), blink1, CHANGE);
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(interruptPin2), blink2, CHANGE);
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(interruptPin3), blink3, CHANGE);
void loop() {
/* interrupt function toggle the LED */
void blink1() {
state1 = !state1;
digitalWrite(ledPin1, state1);
void blink2() {
state2 = !state2;
digitalWrite(ledPin2, state2);
void blink3() {
state3 = !state3;
digitalWrite(ledPin3, state3);
External interrupts are not working when UART is disconnected.
Re: External interrupts are not working when UART is disconnected.
I sequantionally diconnected DTR, RX, TX from board.
Surprising for me the board is continueing to work correctly.
After connecting GND to AC ground the board became
to work stabile.
I sequantionally diconnected DTR, RX, TX from board.
Surprising for me the board is continueing to work correctly.
After connecting GND to AC ground the board became
to work stabile.
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