Schematic for AZ-Delivery ESP32 Dev Board?

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Schematic for AZ-Delivery ESP32 Dev Board?

Postby Eyer1951 » Sat Jul 06, 2019 4:33 pm

Has anyone found the schematic for the ESP32 Dev Board sold by AZ-Delivery here: ... oard?ls=en

It is called "ESP-32 Dev Kit C" on their website, but it is not the same as the Espressif Dev Kit C. I know this because the Espressif one uses the LED as a power on indicator, while the LED on the AZ-Delivery one is connected to a GPIO pin.

I tried without success to get the schematic for this board from AZ-Delivery. Apparently there is a language barrier (German-English).

I want to understand the way the EN and BOOT buttons are wired. In my project, I can reset the board by grounding the EN pin externally, but the board does not reset when I push the EN button.

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Re: Schematic for AZ-Delivery ESP32 Dev Board?

Postby stanely » Thu Mar 18, 2021 11:49 pm

Thank you for posting this question because I too have several of these exact boards and was just wondering about the LED. So I went to the website you linked, and low and behold they have a link there on the right side. It's in German and says, "Schematic". So when I click that link, I get the... wait for it... schematic! :o ... 1609851470

That drawing says that the LED is not available on a GPIO. It's permanently connected to one of the serial I/O pins. Looks like maybe the Tx out pin.

I know the answer is about 2 years late, but thanks again for asking. I wouldn't have found the answer without it because I got my boards of ebay and had no idea what they were.

There's still a small discrepancy between the silkscreen and the schematic for pin 1 on the headers. Silkscreen calls it V5, and schematic says V3. I don't know why.

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