The automatic update just updated my VSC to 1.54.2 & ESP-IDF 4.1.1. The Building process stopped working immediately after the update. (The build process never change from the photo below)
I still can do the build from the command line but not from VSC anymore
I hope I can find a solution other than reinstalling the whole thing.
Can you check your project's settings.json values? If your project settings.json have idf.espIdfPath, for example, this will override any global settings in Visual Studio Code.
Can you share a bit about your setup and any errors ?
You can use the `ESP-IDF: Doctor command` to generate a report of your configuration.
If applicable, please share the log file which can be obtained from
- Windows: `%USERPROFILE%\.vscode\extensions\espressif.esp-idf-extension-VERSION\esp_idf_vsc_ext.log`
- Linux & MacOSX: `$HOME/.vscode/extensions/espressif.esp-idf-extension-VERSION/esp_idf_vsc_ext.log`
I am a newbie to vscode and ESP32 but maybe my experience with the extension recently and feedback from Espressif might help?
My projects stopped building in the IDE after installing the extension.
I found when I deleted vscode and re-compiled (using the cylinder shape compile icon at bottom of screen), my project builds.
But the intelli-sense did not work.
So next I created a new esp-idf project using the command palette in vsc and copied the contents of the c_cpp_properties.json from the new project into my original project. Now it compiles and intelli-sense works fine (with exception of pdMS_TO_TICKS).