hi jeroen,
no 256byte/page? ok..byte-wise?
txs, this helps a lot.
perhabs you can help in the 24 bit addr, and few things like this too,
and if wrong, perhabs you can comment short:
- instructions, addresses and data are transferred MSB first, LSB last
24 bit addr means DEZ 16.777.215, we have 32MiBit means 4.194.304 Bytes
- Start: 000000h End : FFFFFFh
- each addr(pointer) has 1 Byte
- so Highest addr(pointer) is then 3FFFFF ( 400000 - 1 cause 000000h is the first byte )
future: read/write incremental support
- incremental is supported until clk work and CS not goes high
any tips if you know more, are welcome
am start next day with the things here.
thank you!
best wishes
pins "name" are 1..8 same like SPI Flash` and 1.8 V supply `?
any knowed transaction delays between cmd ?