Bluetooth : Cycling through clients

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Bluetooth : Cycling through clients

Postby Dashiad » Fri Nov 27, 2020 6:48 pm

For a Ps2 keyboard to bluetooth conversion, i'd like to be able to use the keyboard with more than one computer, so by pressing some key combination, i can change the computer to which the keyboard is "connected", cycling throgh a serie of "slots".

I dont know the bluetooth protocol enough to know which would be the right way to implement this, so i have a few doubts:

- How should i manage connections? Should any computer would be allowed to connect, but, somehow, filter the output so only one of them is receiving the data sent(if that's even possible)? Or should the keyboard disconnect any computer that shouldnt be receiving data?
- In the latter case, if a computer previously unselected, is selected again, is it possible to force it to re-connect? Or is this something that happens automatically if the computer and keyboard are bonded?

- I'm getting the bluetooth address of the computer(s) in the onConnect callback, and storing it in EEPROM.By pressing a key combination, i change the target computer, which I guess it's implemented by setting a whitelist with the address of that computer. But, again, i dont know if that's enough for the computer to connect back to the keyboard, or something else needs to be done.

Thanks for any help!

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