esp32 rover kit, sooo broken out of the box...

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esp32 rover kit, sooo broken out of the box...

Postby exquisitus » Wed Mar 15, 2017 10:00 am

i already posted here on this board, allowed ample time for anybody from espressif to respond. but nada.
it's getting even more and more annoying.
so here i go again.

i received a wrover kit from adafruit.
my impression is that this is trully a pathetic attempt at a dev board. it tarnished espressif reputation for me big time.

wifi does NOT work.
connecting with any terminal app on any os does NOT work.
ext 5v power does NOT work.

i would NOT agree with anybody that this is normal for any dev board.


helooooo, anybody?

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Re: esp32 rover kit, sooo broken out of the box...

Postby ESP_igrr » Wed Mar 15, 2017 1:44 pm

We are sorry about your bad experience with the board! Here are a few basic things to check:

1. are the two TX-RX jumpers on JP11 connected? (see figures in chapter 4, "basic operation", of ESP-WROVER-KIT Getting Started Guide)

2. when you plug the board into usb port of the computer, do any new serial ports appear? In the default configuration on Windows, Mac, and Linux, plugging ESP-WROVER-KIT in will cause two new ports to appear. These two ports correspond to two FT2232 channels, first one being used for JTAG, second one for UART. Have you tried connecting to the second of the two ports?

3. when you connect to the port and type something in the terminal, do you see D6 LED (red one, close to FT2232) blinking?

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