Not easy to reconnect to the same device after disconnect via bluetooth.

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Not easy to reconnect to the same device after disconnect via bluetooth.

Postby Vancent » Wed Aug 19, 2020 5:42 am

I have tried this demo for wifi connection( on MI 4LTE phone. On MI 4LTE, target device could be scanned and connected successfully via bluetooth. While once connection was disconnected, reconnect was sometimes not that easy as expected. You have to be lucky enough to get connected again after tapping on connect button many times.

I can see from logcat that after connection was disconnected, when tapping on connect button several times, BluetoothProfile.STATE_DISCONNECTED was returned accordingly. That resulted in more user interactions and not quite good if ble connect and wifi connection were combined in one consecutive process in a project.

Any piece of advice could be appreciated.

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