A2DP_sink track position detection

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A2DP_sink track position detection

Postby czarsob » Sun Nov 03, 2019 2:53 pm

This is my first post on this forum, so first of all, I would like to say hello!

I started my project with example a2dp_sink from IDF examples. I wanted to make this example to get information about track position every second (e.g. in console). I found a function responsible for that and it is: (bt_app_av.c lines: 204-210)
static void bt_av_play_pos_changed(void)
if (esp_avrc_rn_evt_bit_mask_operation(ESP_AVRC_BIT_MASK_OP_TEST, &s_avrc_peer_rn_cap,
esp_avrc_ct_send_register_notification_cmd(APP_RC_CT_TL_RN_PLAY_POS_CHANGE, ESP_AVRC_RN_PLAY_POS_CHANGED, 10);

In the example code, information about track duration is being refreshed every 10 s because of last parameter of esp_avrc_ct_send_register_notification_cmd. Changing this value to 1, results in 3 s instead of 1 s. Every value equal and above 3 is correct.

My question is why minimum value of track positioning refresh is 3 s and how to change it?

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Joined: Mon Aug 26, 2019 6:10 am

Re: A2DP_sink track position detection

Postby ESP_sushant » Mon Nov 18, 2019 6:26 pm

In ESP-IDF bluedroid stack code, I do not see any limitation on the "Playback interval" parameter. Also, in AVRCP spec, there is no lower limit mentioned on this parameter.
It will be helpful to debug the issue if you provide the following info:
1. What is the remote device (A2DP source) used here?
2. Have you tried using ESP32 as a remote device (with A2DP source example)?


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