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Postby brolly759 » Thu Sep 26, 2019 4:24 am

My only knowledge of the ESP32 is using the Arduino IDE but I am interested in ESP-MESH and ESP-NOW.

ESP-MESH sounds like its not really designed for battery powered devices. Its more like Coordinators and Routers in Zigbee/Zwave. ESP-NOW is for battery powered devices?

Is it possible to run ESP-MESH and ESP-NOW on the same ESP32? As well as connect to a WiFi AP for internet?

Why is there a limitation on ESP-NOW of 20 devices? Is there a way to increase it?

Has anyone done any power calculations on the ESP-NOW protocol? The ideal scenario for me is to post once every 15 minutes or alert based either directly to MQTT (not ideal) or using ESP-NOW to another ESP32 connected to the internet. I will be using 2 AA Lithium batteries.

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Postby ESP_Bond » Thu Oct 10, 2019 12:11 pm

1. ESP-MESH\ESP-NOW\Connecting Router can be run simultaneously on one ESP32
2. At present, ESP-NOW only supports binding of 20 devices at the time of sending, and receiving data is not limited.
3. The power consumption of ESP-NOW can be found at: ... cteristics

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Postby Mephisto75 » Fri Sep 16, 2022 10:08 am

Hi everyone,

although this is a rather old post I would like to reference this for my question.

Is there any example on how to do this?
If not could you please pin point some details on how to do that.

I am at the beginning on trying to dig into this topic.
I would try to go with the wifi being station alongside softAP.
Let ESP-WIFI-MESH run on station and ESP-NOW run on softAP both having different channels.
But I am not sure if this is the correct way.

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