[Video] ESP32 - BMP180 Temperature and Pressure

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[Video] ESP32 - BMP180 Temperature and Pressure

Postby kolban » Sat Feb 04, 2017 4:32 pm

A short video tutorial illustrating the ESP32 working with the BMP180 temperature and pressure sensor connected via I2C is available here:


Link to sample code is available here:

https://github.com/nkolban/esp32-snippe ... e/bmp180.c
Free book on ESP32 available here: https://leanpub.com/kolban-ESP32

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Re: [Video] ESP32 - BMP180 Temperature and Pressure

Postby ASH247 » Sun Jul 09, 2017 4:48 pm

Very nice video - I am new to ESP32 and C programming - so it was very informative
I thought I would have a go using the snippets under \hardware\temperature and pressure - bmp180c
The compiler complains about no "app_main()" and indeed there is none instead there is a "task_bmp180()"
What do I have to do - I think Im missing a step. Do I need to rewrite it? or add in an "app_main() ?

Thanks for any help

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