I2S-parallel example: Drive a 64x32 display

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Joined: Sat May 11, 2019 10:24 pm

Re: I2S-parallel example: Drive a 64x32 display

Postby damianpault » Mon May 13, 2019 11:20 pm

Hi all,

Could anyone help me with my project, I would like to get my 32x64 display working with Jinx over Wifi. Running GIFs off SD cards is not the way to go for me.

I admit I am not an expert by any stretch and I just want to get my project working, these displays are cool and I'd love to get the best out of mine.

What you guys are discussing is exactly what I am looking for so any help, a .ino or just some guidance to implement the libraries would be greatly appreciated.


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Joined: Sun Aug 01, 2021 7:25 pm

Re: I2S-parallel example: Drive a 64x32 display

Postby Dadieter » Sun Aug 01, 2021 7:39 pm

Hi Community,

was anybody already successful to run these LED modules together with ESP32-S2 via I2S parallel?

I am very close, but something must be different, because of "my" strange behaviour.

Anybody any ideas?

Used library is SmartMartrix in Arduino.

Thanks in advance!

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