Arduino Support Resources

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Joined: Tue Sep 04, 2018 1:58 am

Arduino Support Resources

Postby czuvich » Wed Dec 19, 2018 12:14 am

First of all, I really think the ESP32 chip is amazing! I am currently proof of concepts in Arduino targeting various dev boards (WROVER and WROOM). At some point, I may consider going into a production environment with these chips, and I do realize that at that point targeting the native chip will be a must.

Having said that, I do want a reliable poc in Arduino. As of now, I run into memory issues and various other problems that I try to report on GitHub. All of that is fine, but I was wondering what kind of development support is provided for the Arduino side of ESP32. Is it maintained by the community? Are there actual full time resources for development and testing? I definitely see progress, but I do feel like a 1.0.1 release candidate for a 1.0 release that’s been out for several months lags behind the progress of the actual ESP core.

I want to add I’m just trying to figure if I should simply do my PoC natively. The downside is I lose some great libraries/components developed by the community that can be used on other boards too. That may prove to be prohibitive, but can be somewhat overcome with some good app architecture.


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