What would you like to see in The Next Chip?

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Re: What would you like to see in The Next Chip?

Postby sukeshak » Sun Sep 30, 2018 8:54 pm

Any plans to have integrated HSM (Hardware Security Module) like STSAFE-A100 ?

This is the only board I saw which comes with it

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Re: What would you like to see in The Next Chip?

Postby Resch2061 » Mon Oct 01, 2018 1:53 pm

This isn't necessarily a request I have for hardware changes on the chip, but something I've been wondering since you guys mentioned you were working on further abstracting the LwIP layer to allow usage of different TCP/IP stack libraries and RTOS'es.

Basically, I wanna keep the implementation of Ethernet the same - just targeted for a different chip that uses SPI as its communication layer instead of... Whatever the LAN8720 uses. I'm not sure what method it uses or what it's called. Was just wondering if this is something you guys had planned on the software side.

I could go and mess with things in the IDF of course, but this is something I'd rather not do as it completely ruins any kind of backwards compatibility, heh.

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Re: What would you like to see in The Next Chip?

Postby tommeyers » Mon Oct 01, 2018 3:46 pm

1) Code compatibility with ESP32 Arduino. Pin changes OK with a map in documentation;

2) Virtual memory;

3) Smaller;

4) Less power used.

Please, Tom Meyers
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Re: What would you like to see in The Next Chip?

Postby ESP_Sprite » Wed Oct 03, 2018 5:36 am

tommeyers wrote:1) Code compatibility with ESP32 Arduino. Pin changes OK with a map in documentation;
You are aware thay ESP-IDF and Arduino can be used interchangably? You can use ESP-IDF code in the Arduino environment; you can also drop the Arduino component into ESP-IDF and use the Arduino API there.
2) Virtual memory;
For what exactly? Virtual memory is nice if you have a slow but otherwise infinitely-rewritable backing storage, like a hard disk. You could use flash for this, but the limited write cycles make this an unattractive proposition. Or do you want process separation? Or just an MMU?

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Re: What would you like to see in The Next Chip?

Postby tommeyers » Wed Oct 03, 2018 2:27 pm

Code compatibility: what runs on todays esp32/Arduino to still run on espNEXT/Arduino, No code changes needed. I did not mean between ESPidf and Arduino IDE.

Virtual Memory: Be clever, only swap in program space (unchanging contents). By virtual memory I was describing the what: the impression of larger memory space than physical space. I was not describing the how: page file, ... Leave the how for the clever implementors. Over 50 years ago I had the capability to swap code only.

Tom Meyers
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Re: What would you like to see in The Next Chip?

Postby mbalci » Wed Oct 03, 2018 2:58 pm

i think first off all you need better documentation as like stm32 ,
Documents are really hard to understand even you dont have some basic specs like adc max sampling rate etc etc...
My dream features ;
- Good and reliable documentation,datasheet,reference etc..
- Boot from sdcard by hardware.
- Adc with higher resolution , better pga and differential adc , at least 1Msps with scan feature.
- Maybe you can put customize sdr to use as wifi ,ble or any radio. users can implemen lora ,zigbee or other technologies.
This will be second leap .
- DSP like commands enhanced version for easier fft.

Best regards.

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Re: What would you like to see in The Next Chip?

Postby urbanze » Wed Oct 03, 2018 4:45 pm

1. More detailed documentation.

2. More RAM (as has been quoted hundreds of times).

3. Low power is an interesting question that could also be improved. However, one of the problems when in sleep on set of batteries, is the converter (often buck), consumes several times more than the own esp. The improvement in question could be a larger range of power supply, since lithium batteries are 4.2V under load and this would damage the chip. A larger range of P.S could make buck unnecessary and consumption would be much more interesting.

4. Support IDF, so you do not need to re-learn so many items.

5. Real and usefull buint-in temperature sensor to use when mcu are exposed to severals conditions.

6. Bigger clock :twisted: in cpu's, like 500MHz? 1GHz?

7. Analog comparator to trigger interrupt when X volts arrive in ADC pin, this is super usefull. ADC polling == horrible.

8. Keep ULP and improve RTC domain, like clock more stable and etc.

Are there any previews on the new esp? When will it be launched? What hardware updates are already confirmed? Our hearts are awaiting news :lol: :D

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Re: What would you like to see in The Next Chip?

Postby mikemoy » Thu Oct 04, 2018 1:50 am

You are aware thay ESP-IDF and Arduino can be used interchangably? You can use ESP-IDF code in the Arduino environment; you can also drop the Arduino component into ESP-IDF and use the Arduino API there.
Get out!!! I had no idea of this, I have to give that a go.

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Re: What would you like to see in The Next Chip?

Postby loboris » Thu Oct 04, 2018 7:56 am

urbanze wrote:3. Low power is an interesting question that could also be improved. However, one of the problems when in sleep on set of batteries, is the converter (often buck), consumes several times more than the own esp.
You can use the combination of low quiescent current linear LDO and switching regulator.
ESP32 is powered by LDO during sleep and after wake up switches on the buck converter as the main power source.

I'm using MCP1703T LDO with 2 uA current and MP2315 buck converter which can supply to 3A current in active mode and has < 1uA current in shutdown mode. That way I have only ~3 uA power supply current overhead in deep sleep mode.

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Re: What would you like to see in The Next Chip?

Postby ctacb_ » Tue Oct 09, 2018 11:26 am

It's possible to see in the next gen product?

1 - Managment Frame Protection aka IEEE 802.11w.
2 - Battery backed RTC - with out deep sleep function to works,- When we turn off the power to the main chip, the RTS continues to work.
3 - Low RTC currency - 0.5uA (500 nA)
4 - Temperature and voltage corrections for RTC!
5 - Bultin 32.768 resonator.
6 - Backward compatibility with ESP-IDF and Arduino at the current level.
7 - qfn32 package.
8 - Builtin flash memory

1 - 3 these are very important things!

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