Have someone succeded to make the configuration library WifiManger work for ESP32?
I have tried both these libraries:
https://github.com/tzapu/WiFiManager/tree/development (Development Version)
But none of them compile for me
I have installed 1.0.0 of the ESP32 core for Arduino and used the libs from github
I really need a way to configure both wifi credentials and MQTT settings for a utility I am building
Would really appreciate some help
WifiManager for ESP32
Re: WifiManager for ESP32
I'm sure it's supposed to work with ESP32. I use tzapu's but I've made a lot of changes. Why haven't you included the error output here?
Re: WifiManager for ESP32
Check out
This can actually work for 8266 or 32 dependent on a define
This can actually work for 8266 or 32 dependent on a define
Re: WifiManager for ESP32
This is the error I get when compiling the development branch of tzapu library
Haven tried zhouhan01 library yet, will do so
Code: Select all
Compiling 'WifiManager' for 'ESP32 Dev Module'
WiFiManager.cpp: In member function void WiFiManager::resetSettings()
WiFiManager.cpp: 1852:30: error: no matching function for call to 'WiFiClass::disconnect(bool, bool)
WiFi.h:32: In file included from
WiFiManager.h:47: from
WiFiManager.cpp:13: from
WiFiSTA.h:46: note candidate bool WiFiSTAClass disconnect(bool)
bool disconnect(bool wifioff = false)
WiFiSTA.h:46: note candidate expects 1 argument, 2 provided
WiFiManager.cpp: In member function bool WiFiManager::WiFi_eraseConfig()
WiFiManager.cpp: 2528:38: error: no matching function for call to 'WiFiClass::disconnect(bool, bool)
ret = WiFi.disconnect(true,true)
WiFi.h:32: In file included from
WiFiManager.h:47: from
WiFiManager.cpp:13: from
WiFiSTA.h:46: note candidate bool WiFiSTAClass disconnect(bool)
bool disconnect(bool wifioff = false)
WiFiSTA.h:46: note candidate expects 1 argument, 2 provided
WiFiManager.cpp: In member function void WiFiManager::WiFi_autoReconnect()
WiFiManager.cpp: 2585:65: error: no matching function for call to 'WiFiClass::onEvent(std::_Bind_helper<false, void (WiFiManager::*)(system_event_id_t, system_event_info_t), WiFiManager*, const std::_Placeholder<1>&, const std::_Placeholder<2>&>::type)
WiFi.onEvent(std*: bind(&WiFiManager::WiFiEvent,this,_1,_2))
WiFiSTA.h:28: In file included from
WiFi.h:32: from
WiFiManager.h:47: from
WiFiManager.cpp:13: from
WiFiGeneric.h:39: note candidate void WiFiGenericClass onEvent(WiFiEventCb, system_event_id_t)
void onEvent(WiFiEventCb cbEvent, system_event_id_t event = SYSTEM_EVENT_MAX)
WiFiGeneric.h:39: note no known conversion for argument 1 from std _Bind_helper<false, void (WiFiManager *)(system_event_id_t, system_event_info_t), WiFiManager*, const std _Placeholder<1>&, const std _Placeholder<2>&> type {aka std _Bind<std _Mem_fn<void (WiFiManager *)(system_event_id_t, system_event_info_t)>(WiFiManager*, std _Placeholder<1>, std _Placeholder<2>)>} to WiFiEventCb {aka void (*)(system_event_id_t)}
WiFiGeneric.h:40: note candidate void WiFiGenericClass onEvent(WiFiEventFullCb, system_event_id_t)
void onEvent(WiFiEventFullCb cbEvent, system_event_id_t event = SYSTEM_EVENT_MAX)
WiFiGeneric.h:40: note no known conversion for argument 1 from std _Bind_helper<false, void (WiFiManager *)(system_event_id_t, system_event_info_t), WiFiManager*, const std _Placeholder<1>&, const std _Placeholder<2>&> type {aka std _Bind<std _Mem_fn<void (WiFiManager *)(system_event_id_t, system_event_info_t)>(WiFiManager*, std _Placeholder<1>, std _Placeholder<2>)>} to WiFiEventFullCb {aka void (*)(system_event_id_t, system_event_info_t)}
Error compiling libraries
Build failed for project 'WifiManager'
Re: WifiManager for ESP32
Now I have also tried zhouhan01 library (again) but that fails with the following error
Code: Select all
WifiManager.ino: 146:21: error: 'SPIFFS' was not declared in this scope
File configFile = SPIFFS.open("\config.json", "w")
Error compiling project sources
Build failed for project 'WifiManager'
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