Can the AT+BLEGATTSNTFY of esp32-wrover exceed the 20 bytes limitation?

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Can the AT+BLEGATTSNTFY of esp32-wrover exceed the 20 bytes limitation?

Postby ldsheng » Fri Jun 22, 2018 4:40 am


My platform is like this: MCU + ESP32-Wrover works as the server, and a usb dongle as the client. I'm using at command to control and communicate with the ESP32. Using the BTool, I can write to the ESP32 and also get the notification from the esp32. However, after I modified the MTU successfully , I can write to ESP32 more than 20 bytes, well the esp32 still cannot sent the notification more than 20 bytes. According to the debug info, I saw that the mcu has already send the AT+BLEGATTSNTFY successfully with the data (more than 20 bytes), but the usb dongle didnot get any data. If I send the AT+BLEGATTSNTFY with the data equal or less than 20 bytes, it works fine.
So, how can I send more than 20 bytes in one pdu via AT+BLEGATTSNTFY command?

Thx a lot.

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Re: Can the AT+BLEGATTSNTFY of esp32-wrover exceed the 20 bytes limitation?

Postby chegewara » Mon Jul 16, 2018 9:17 pm

Sorry for late reply. I dont know AT commands API, but if you have command that allows you to set MTU then you should be able to send notifications mtu-3 length, at least this is ble specs and works with normal code (non AT).

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