Thank you very much for you respond JoaoLopesF ! Ok, now i understand how it works. Can you show me an example of the function in which you split the data when sending if the message if too long, and how you process the message upon receiving a \n while receiving ?Ble has this limit, but you treat the long messages as several messages within the limit, dividing them when sending and joining them when receiving by yourself
What I do to work with larger messages:
- All messages (mobile and esp32) ends with a specific character (in my case \n)
- On Android (Java and now Kotlin) or iOS (swift 4):
- When sending if the message is large,
I split it in pieces and send it (with a small delay forced between them in Android, IOS not need it)
Tip: If I have more than one message to send in moment, I just join it with delimiter \n and send all to one call of routine that split it
to Ble, generating few messages instead call it for each message.
- In Esp32, idem only that does not need the delay
- When receiving messages (app or Esp32), I work with a buffer, and only process the messages upon receiving a \n (since the message can be divided into several pieces)
Now I working to balance use of Esp32 cpu cores. The work of split/join ble messages is now to in task in CPU 1, leaving CPU 0 to system (Ble, timers (tg), etc)
My idea is when I have time, put together a complete solution:
- Android and iOS app and Esp-IDF and put in github.
Hope this helps.
Sending more than 20 bytes with BLE
Re: Sending more than 20 bytes with BLE
- Posts: 59
- Joined: Thu Aug 17, 2017 5:40 pm
Re: Sending more than 20 bytes with BLE
Hi, Anh-Minh
I post now same examples of this (see below).
I translate my code to english for this examples.
*** This only for show how it works
*** I not tested the codes it after translate, I will do it when I made the entire example for put in github
*** After I post code for Ios in Swift 4, for now Android and Esp32 is a good start.
I Hope this helps (please notify if its is not clear to you)
*** Android Code (kotlin)
*** Example of Esp-Idf code (in C++)
*** util/
*** (main)
I post now same examples of this (see below).
I translate my code to english for this examples.
*** This only for show how it works
*** I not tested the codes it after translate, I will do it when I made the entire example for put in github
*** After I post code for Ios in Swift 4, for now Android and Esp32 is a good start.
I Hope this helps (please notify if its is not clear to you)
*** Android Code (kotlin)
Code: Select all
fun sendMessage (message: String) {
val MAX_SIZE = 20
// Sending?
if (sending) {
// If sending, send this after delay
val handler = Handler ()
handler.postDelayed ({
// Part of my library - commented for this example
//logI ("Sending after delay!")
sendMessage (message)
}, 500)
sending = true
// Send a message via BLE
if (bleUartServico == null) {
// Part of my library - commented for this example
// if (Utilility.isEmulator == false) {
// this.activity.extShowException (stringServiceNotActive)
//logD ("send ($ {message.length}) -> $ {message.extExpandStr ()}")
// In separate Thread
try {
object: Thread () {
override fun run () {
// Process message
var posBegin = 0
val size = message.length
var posEnd = if (size> MAX_SIZE) MAX_SIZE else size
// Process, sending parts if they are greater than the maximum
do {
val part = message.substring (posBegin, posEnd)
if (part.length> 0) {
//if (debugExtra) {
// logD ("send part ($ {part.length}) -> $ {part.extExpandStr ()}")
var data = ByteArray (0)
try {
data = part.toByteArray (charset ("UTF-8"))
} catch (e: UnsupportedEncodingException) {
e.printStackTrace ()
bleUartService!!.writeRXCharacteristic (data)
if (posEnd == size) {
posBegin = posEnd
posEnd = posBegin + MAX_SIZE
if (posEnd > size) {
posEnd = size
} else {
// Wait a while // Android workaround
try {
Thread.sleep (200)
} catch (e: InterruptedException) {
e.printStackTrace ()
} while (posEnd <= size)
} .start ()
} catch (e: Exception) {
// Part of my library - commented for this example
// this.activity.extShowException (e)
sending = false
private fun receivedData (data: String) {
receivedData (data.toByteArray ())
private fun receivedData (data: ByteArray) {
// Received Bluetooth data
// logD ("receivedData:" + Utilities.expandStr (new String (data)));
// Mark the time
timeLastReceivedData = System.currentTimeMillis ()
// Process bytes received
for (character in data) {
if (character.toInt () == 10) { // New line
// Save the line
//logV ("receive line: $ {bufferLine.toString (). extExpandStr ()}")
// Callback for receiving
// Part of my library - commented for this example
//if (btUtilHandler! = null) {
// btUtilHandler!!.onReceiveLine (bufferLine.toString ())
// Next
bufferLine = StringBuffer ()
} else if (character.toInt ()! = 13) {
// Adds the received character
buffer.append (character.toChar ())
*** util/
Code: Select all
void BleServer::sendData (const char* data) {
// Send data to APP (via BLE)
if (! mConnected) {
LOGE (TAG_BLE, "not connected");
// Send data via UART BLE Server
uint8_t size = strlen (data);
if (mLogActive) {
ESP_LOGV (TAG_BLE, "BLE [% d] ->% s", size, data);
// Send data, respecting the maximum size
char send [BLE_SEND_MAX_SIZE + 1];
memset (send, 0, BLE_SEND_MAX_SIZE + 1);
uint8_t posSend = 0;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i <size; i ++) {
send [postSend ++] = data [i];
if (posSend == BLE_SEND_MAX_SIZE || i == (size -1)) { // Has it reached the maximum or the end?
// Send the data
if (mLogActive) {
ESP_LOGV (TAG_BLE, "BLE sending part [% d] ->% s \ r \ n", postSend, send);
// BLE routines in C based on pcbreflux example
ble_uart_server_Send (send, postSend);
// Next sending
postSend = 0;
memset (send, 0, BLE_SEND_MAX_SIZE);
static void receive_Task (void * pvParameters) {
ESP_LOGI (TAG_BLE, "Initializing receives Task - cpu% d", xPortGetCoreID ());
// Create a queue to send queue data
xBleQueueReceb = xQueueCreate (BLE_TAM_QUEUE_RECEB, sizeof (BleQueueReceb));
if (xBleQueueReceb == NULL) {
ESP_LOGE (TAG_BLE, "Error creating queue");
/// Data to receive from the Ble Server queue
BleQueueReceb dataQueue;
////// Loop
for (;;)
// Expect to receive something from the Ble Server queue
// Adopted this logic to force processing on CPU 1
BaseType_t ret = xQueueReceive (xBleQueueReceb, &dataQueue, portMAX_DELAY);
if (ret == pdPASS) {
// Check the queue
if (dataQueue.size> 0) {
// Data received
if (mLogActive) {
ESP_LOGV (TAG_BLE, "queue -> extracted data (free% d), making the callback", uxQueueSpacesAvailable (xBleQueueReceb));
// Callback
if (mBleServerCallbacks) {
mBleServerCallbacks-> onReceive (dataQueue.dados, dataQueue.tamanho);
} else {
// Notice
ESP_LOGE (TAG_BLE, "queue_task -> queue -> tam 0 !!!");
} else {
// Notice
LOGE (TAG_BLE, "queue_task -> error!");
////// End
#ifdef DEBUG
LOGI (TAG_BLE, "receive task closed");
// Delete queue
if (xBleQueueReceb! = NULL) {
vQueueDelete (xBleQueueReceb);
// Delete this task
vTaskDelete (NULL);
Code: Select all
void bleReceived (char * data, uint8_t size) {
// Received data via BLE server (by callback)
char aux [size + 1];
sprintf (aux, "%.*s", size, data);
if (mLogActive) {
ESP_LOGV (TAG, "*** BLE received (%d):%s", size, Util.strExpand (aux).c_str());
// Mark the timeSeconds of the last receipt
mLatTimeReceived = mTimeSeconds;
// Process the received data
for (uint8_t i=0; i <size; i ++) {
char character = data[i];
// Process the message upon receiving a new line
if (caract == '\n') {
if (mLogActive) {
ESP_LOGD ("*** BLE line receive:%s", mBleLinha.c_str());
mBleReceivingLine = false;
// Process the received line
if (mBleLine.length() > 0) {
// Process the message (
processMessage (mBleLine);
mBleLine = "";
} else if (caract != '\r') {
// Concatenates
mBleLinha.append (1u, character);
mBleReceivingLine = true;
void bleVerifyTimeouts () {
// Check timeout on receipt of data -- called by timer at each second
if (mBleReceivingLine
&& (mTimeSeconds - mLastTimeReceived)> BLE_TIMEOUT_REC_LINE) {
mBleReceivingLine = false;
mBleLinha = "";
if (mLogActive) {
ESP_LOGD (TAG, "receive timeout line");
- Posts: 59
- Joined: Thu Aug 17, 2017 5:40 pm
Re: Sending more than 20 bytes with BLE
*** Update
I found out here in the forum and on the internet, that is possible change the MTU of the BLE, besides the 20 bytes.
Searching the internet, I also saw that iOS already does this, so we can send several messages without delay (necessary for Android)
I worked to change the MTU to Android and Esp32.
The maximum allowed is 517. I'm using 200, which is enough for my application
It is only possible for Android 5.0+
So it looks like this to support new and old Android:
**** Changes on gattCallback
**** Request new MTU
In Esp32 it is necessary to check this event in the Gatt server:
*** Changed maximum length to Ble Characterics
*** Changed gatts_profile_event_handler
*** Changed the send routine (#define BLE_SIZE_MAX_SEND GATTS_CHAR_VAL_LEN_MAX)
Before my app on Android was much slower than the app on iOS,
now this is much faster
I found out here in the forum and on the internet, that is possible change the MTU of the BLE, besides the 20 bytes.
Searching the internet, I also saw that iOS already does this, so we can send several messages without delay (necessary for Android)
I worked to change the MTU to Android and Esp32.
The maximum allowed is 517. I'm using 200, which is enough for my application
It is only possible for Android 5.0+
So it looks like this to support new and old Android:
**** Changes on gattCallback
Code: Select all
override fun onConnectionStateChange(gatt: BluetoothGatt, status: Int, newState: Int) {
val intentAction: String
if (newState == BluetoothProfile.STATE_CONNECTED) {
connectionState = STATE_CONNECTED
if (BtUtil.debugExtra) Log.i(TAG, "Connected to GATT server.")
// If Android >= 5.0 - change MTU before discover services
// Request MTU - change it!
} else { // Request MTU not allowed -> discover services here
// Attempts to discover services after successful connection.
val ret = bluetoothGatt!!.discoverServices()
if (BtUtil.debugExtra) Log.i(TAG, "Attempting to start service discovery: $ret")
} else if (newState == BluetoothProfile.STATE_DISCONNECTED) {
connectionState = STATE_DISCONNECTED
if (BtUtil.debugExtra) Log.i(TAG, "Disconnected from GATT server.")
override fun onMtuChanged(gatt: BluetoothGatt, mtu: Int, status: Int) {
super.onMtuChanged(gatt, mtu, status)
if (status == BluetoothGatt.GATT_SUCCESS) {
mtuChanged = mtu
Log.w(TAG, "onMtuChanged: mtu changed to: $mtu")
// Discovery services after mtu changed
val ret = bluetoothGatt!!.discoverServices()
if (BtUtil.debugExtra) Log.i(TAG, "After mtu -> Attempting to start service discovery: $ret")
Code: Select all
@RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP)
private fun requestMTU() {
val mtu = 200 + 3 // Maximum allowed 517 - 3 bytes do BLE
// Request MTU to max allowed
Log.w(TAG, "requestMTU -> mtu=$mtu")
*** Changed maximum length to Ble Characterics
Code: Select all
#define GATTS_CHAR_VAL_LEN_MAX 200 // Changed maximum to avoid split of messages
Code: Select all
DEBUG("ESP_GATTS_MTU_EVT, mtu %d", param->mtu.mtu);
mMTU = param->mtu.mtu;
Code: Select all
// Maximum of sending (now it is via MTU)
uint16_t maximum = ble_uart_server_mtu ();
if (maximum> BLE_SIZE_MAX_SEND) {
maximum = BLE_SIZE_MAX_SEND;
Before my app on Android was much slower than the app on iOS,
now this is much faster

- Posts: 1
- Joined: Wed Jun 20, 2018 5:29 pm
Re: Sending more than 20 bytes with BLE
Anh-Minh wrote:When i want to write value on my ESP32 with nRF connect app, only the first 20 bytes are received. I don't really understand how it workschegewara wrote:Unless you dont need to send messages longer than about 500-512 bytes you dont have to worry, library will take care of it (have not tested longer messages). Messages longer than mtu are fragmented/defragmented, the issue is with notifications/indications. Those messages are truncated to (mtu - 3) bytes.![]()
Hi Anh-Minh,
Are you using an android app or ios? If using android, just use the line of code "gatt.requestMtu (size)" in the source of the android app. This code should be entered shortly after a connection to GattServer has been established. If you are using IOS, by default the central OS requires GattServer MTU of 185 bytes.
Hope this helps.

- Posts: 59
- Joined: Thu Aug 17, 2017 5:40 pm
Re: Sending more than 20 bytes with BLE
Hi, I just finish a set of examples (ESP-IDF, Android and iOS), with large BLE messages working
Please see it in: viewtopic.php?f=18&t=6806
Please see it in: viewtopic.php?f=18&t=6806
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Thu Apr 11, 2019 11:19 am
Re: Sending more than 20 bytes with BLE
JoaoLopesF wrote: ↑Fri May 18, 2018 11:13 pmMy idea is when I have time, put together a complete solution:
- Android and iOS app and Esp-IDF and put in github.
Hope this helps.
I am really looking forward for this Github repository!

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