Max tx length of spi_transaction_t?

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Re: Max tx length of spi_transaction_t?

Postby fieramosca » Fri Mar 23, 2018 4:37 pm

Has anyone implemented a way to enlarge maximum tx\rx length of spi_transaction_t?

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Re: Max tx length of spi_transaction_t?

Postby ESP_Sprite » Sat Mar 24, 2018 2:17 am

Yes, we at Espressif have. See the max_transfer_sz member of the spi_bus_config_t structure.

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Re: Max tx length of spi_transaction_t?

Postby andymosi » Mon Apr 16, 2018 9:23 pm

Trying to read ca. 1000 bytes over SPI at 16MHz.

Any working example on a continuous SPI read with read size larger than 4 bytes?

Could only find spi_master_utils.c , but only NODMA mode, and the input buffer is limited to 4 bytes, why?
This causes 4 bytes read, long pause of tens of microseconds, next read ...
Any help appreciated.

Code: Select all

// -----------------------------
// Direct (no DMA) data transfer
esp_err_t spi_transfer_data_nodma(exspi_device_handle_t *spidev, spi_transaction_t *trans)

            // *** transfer received data to input buffer ***
            rdidx = 0;
            while (rdbits > 0) {
                wd = host->hw->data_buf[rdidx];
                for (bc=0;bc<32;bc+=8) {                    //256
                    rxbuffer[rd_read++] = (uint8_t)((wd >> bc) & 0xFF);
                    rdbits -= 8;
                    if (rdcount == 0) {
                        rdbits = 0;

Tried nodma from driver/

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Re: Max tx length of spi_transaction_t?

Postby hoek67 » Sun Feb 03, 2019 6:33 pm

I've been "cannibalizing" a copy of the SPI code that uses the 64 byte FIFO. :shock:

The original code was not too bad but had a lot of overhead and locking that was not needed. First iteration of moving some stuff to inline and removing (via some #define's) locking and checking.

A lot of the code had...

if (!spi)

... however not all bits of code did this checking. Thing is... spi is a pointer that's used and should not be NULL and by returning it's just passing the problem somewhere else or making the calling function get unexpected results as some operation just didn't happen. Much better for all these would be an ASSERT in debug mode so it blows up with elegance.

Also... because of the way the layers are coded... a simple SPI.write(val) might take 3+ calls to do the actual write.

SPI.write() -> layer1() -> layer2() -> actual write.

Moved a lot of the 1 and 2 line functions to inline... now the call above is :-

SPI->write() (does the actual writing as layer1(), layer2() and the actual write are inlined which makes a huge difference when code is called 1000+ times in a loop. (especially since the checking of the spi on every occurrence has been removed).

Updating of a 128*64 OLED went from a few hundred frames a second to almost 1000 frames a second while decoding an MP3 as a result of minor changes.

Next part I plan on doing is allow write operations to return before the SPI transfer has completed so other tasks can be weaved while SPI transfers complete. Implemented this on Arduino Due and it allows pixel scanlines to be processed while the previous one is being sent.

can now do :-

SPI.write(val, SPI_NO_WAIT);

If SPI_NO_WAIT is not put in (ie. SPI.write(val); ) then the default is to wait.

Also ... SPI.waitBusy() now returns a value that will indicate whether it was still busy or not when called. In a video decoder... I found I was able to process an entire new scanline before the SPI operation had completed (including all the loop overheads).

Going to see how far I can push the SPI FIFO before looking at DMA because at the moment it's looking very promising. The other thing is... at a certain point the SPI bus will get maxed out because the device is getting bits at the maximum speed. However, being able to do other stuff while waiting could easily get 20%+ extra performance. (In my previous video code... 100% of my loop processing was done during transfers).

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